🏄ChatGPT Now Talks Back, and It’s Kind of Amazing

OpenAI rolls out voice conversation to ChatGPT users

Hello Surfers🏄! 

Holy smokes. OpenAI’s ChatGPT just became our new talkative friend over the weekend, rolling out a voice conversations feature for a bunch of its Pro users. I haven’t been this excited about AI since last November when ChatGPT first came out.

Here’s your one minute of AI news for the day:


🤝ChatGPT Now Talks Back, and It’s Kind of Amazing

Spending the last two days having hour-long voice conversations with ChatGPT, I realized it is the first time I enjoyed talking to my phone. It's not the usual scream-into-the-void, “Hey Siri, play that song I like! No, not that one. UGH, forget it!”

Instead, it’s like talking with a friend who not only tolerates my spirals into weird topics but actually keeps up! We're entering an era where you aren’t shouting commands anymore; you're... having coffee chats.

When I first fired it up, I expected robotic, “I-am-a-machine” monotone conversations, but the five voices offered by OpenAI all sound so natural it’s easy to forget they're computer-generated.

Even when they speak Hungarian, they sound more like your classmate who spent a year in the US and is now speaking with an ‘Murican accent than a machine.

Why is it such a big deal? Typing to GPT-4 used to feel like poking a knowledge beast and then drowning in an avalanche of text. However, gone are the days of powering through scroll-for-an-hour responses (though I do appreciate the occasional novel, ChatGPT).

Speaking with it feels different. There's a rhythm to it, a give-and-take, a more immersive experience that leads to a deeper understanding of a topic. Sometimes ChatGPT starts to ramble or repeat itself, but there's a handy "Interrupt" button to keep the conversation engaging.

The applications are endless! A friend if you feel lonely, a tour guide telling you about the history of a city or reciting urban legends while you wander around its bustling streets, a personal trainer ready to put together a quick exercise plan, a therapist that always has time for another existential crisis, or a debate partner with facts deeper than Mariana's Trench.

This is a game-changer. Our techie future is here, and it's got a voice (or five). I'm left with a newfound appreciation for technology that listens, understands, and (almost) cares.

If you have a Pro account, you can try it out by switching on the voice conversation function under the new features tab in the settings of the ChatGPT app. It works with GPT-4 and in case you hit the message limits with GPT-3.5 as well.


If you are tired of seeing “As an AI model…”

You can have a chat with the uncensored Llama 2 open-source chatbot for free, hosted at https://funbot.co/chat. Keep in mind that it’s a less capable model than GPT-4, however it can answer some of your questions, that ChatGPT refuse to do.

⌚ If you have one more minute:

AI Art of the day 🎨

u/Divide_Certain misspelled Darth Vader as Earth Vader and DALL-E 3 turned it into art. I love it. Isn’t accidents like this move our world forward?


That’s it folks!

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