πŸ„AI is taking our sales jobs

and creates better ones!

Hello SurfersπŸ„! 

I often find myself wondering if we should start writing down our daily tasks at work as they might seem hard to believe in a few years from now. AI will completely change most of our work and today’s chores will turn into unbelievable stories we tell the wide-eyed kids of tomorrow.

Here’s your one minute of AI news for the day:


🀝AI is taking sales jobs - and creating better ones!

Ah, RFPs (requests for proposals) - every sales team's paperwork nightmare. The tedious back and forth where clients ask technical details to justify the purchase and the sales team armed with nothing but their trusty spreadsheets, hurl back responses in a ritual as old as the fax machine.

Picture this: instead of slaving away for weeks on those, AI can do the heavy lifting now! Yep, companies are turning to ChatGPT-esque generative AI tools to write responses to RFPs in mere minutes.

Companies like Twilio, Google Cloud, and IBM have rolled out RFP bots that sift through a mountain of documents, find the relevant details, and use AI to draft polished, spot-on responses. With these tools, what used to be a 2-week grind, now zooms by in minutes. It's not only a massive time-saver but also lets sales executives and engineers focus on tasks that demand a human touch.

The secret sauce? Merging search with generative AI. The AI scans and condenses search results on company data to accurately answer the RFP questions, sticking to the facts like a pro debater with a stack of notecards. How did buyers react? They haven't even noticed that they're not reading human-written responses.

Google says, this tech has been saving them tens of thousands of hours.

The technology also helps companies automate bidding for government contracts, allowing smaller companies to toss their hat in the ring by easing the paperwork headache.

Sales workers have received the intro of AI writers with enthusiasm, rather than with fear of job displacement. However, it's only the tip of the iceberg.

The future: AI crafting RFP questions, bots evaluating proposals and picking front-runners, with humans just giving a quick glance at the end.

A sales exec's dream of centering on getting new clients and resolving client issues over dull paperwork might not be far off. As AI begins to shake up the monotonous RFP process, a future where technology facilitates more meaningful human work could very well be on the horizon!


Runway ML dropped a new Tex-2-Video model and it’s next-level.

If you want to check it out, click on the tweet; it contains videos. Here’s a thread for the curious, with even more examples.

⌚ If you have one more minute:

  • ChatGPT-owner OpenAI is exploring making its own AI chips

  • Canva unveils Magic Studio, its AI-infused design platform

  • AI copilot helps pilots fly making aviation safer

  • Latest Photoshop AI is truly next level, treating flat objects as layers

  • Chatbot Hallucinations Are Poisoning Web Search

AI Art of the day 🎨

60's pulp magazine illustration style pictures generated by DALL-E 3 user u/TalentedJuli. I’m still very impressed by the capabilities of DALL-E 3. If you missed the news: It’s free to use at bing.com/create.


That’s it folks!

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