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๐Ÿ„ The AI breakthrough that got Sam Altman fired

Firing Sam Altman was triggered by a groundbreaking yet potentially dangerous AI discovery named Q*

Happy Thanksgiving Surfers๐Ÿ„!

Another day, another bombshell piece of news. Turns out Sam Altman getting the boot from OpenAI wasn't your average corporate shake-up. It was triggered by a groundbreaking yet potentially dangerous AI discovery named Q* (pronounced Q-Star).

Hereโ€™s the deal:


๐Ÿ’ฃThe AI breakthrough that got Sam Altman fired

A group of OpenAI researchers, spooked by their latest AI breakthrough, Q*, and its potential implications, sent a warning to the board last week, suggesting that it could pose a serious threat to humanity. This letter played a crucial role in the decision to part ways with Altman.

The board wasn't just losing sleep over Q*. They allegedly had other grievances with Sam as well, and were also concerned about Altmanโ€™s tendency to rush OpenAIโ€™s tech to market without fully understanding its implications.

However, the decision to oust him didnโ€™t go down well with the staff. Over 700 OpenAI employees threatened to jump ship to Microsoft in solidarity with Altman and the board had to yield and call him back.

So what is Q*?

Right now, there's not a lot of detailed info out there about Q*, but it's stirring up quite the buzz. Itโ€™s seen as a major leap toward artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is basically AI that can outperform humans in most tasks.

What's really interesting about Q* is its ability to solve basic grade school math problems. While that might not sound too flashy, it's a big deal. Mastering math is a crucial step toward giving AI human-like reasoning abilities. This advancement has the potential to transform fields like scientific research.

The secret to Q*'s smarts? Q-learning. The technique behind Q* is all about teaching AI to apply what it learns in one area to other areas and to learn how to learn, adapting its learning strategy dynamically. Just like humans do.

Q* could be a giant leap towards creating AI agents, AIs that can act and solve complex problems on their own, like setting up a business, designing products, trading stocks, conducting research, etc.

If achieved, AI agents have the potential to turn the economy on its head.

Altman is back at the helm, with most of the board ousted. The real question is whether the new board and the company remain cautious about advancing technology or parts ways with the old philosophy and puts the pedal to the metal to commercialize these groundbreaking technologies as fast as possible.


Creating iPhone apps is apparently just a prompt now.

Click on the tweet to see the video.

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That's all for today, folks!

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