🏄 5 AI apps to use every day

Inside the closed-door US Senate AI meeting, Thusands of classic literature audiobooks for free

Hello Surfers🏄! 

Youtube promised to start dubbing videos automatically with the help of AI some time next year, but a startup (Hey Gen) beat it to market and came out with its own solution on Wednesday. Makes me wonder how accurate our other predictions are about the pace of the technology.

Here’s your one minute of AI news for the day:


📱My 5 favorit AI apps for everyday use

There are a gazillion AI apps out there, and it’s mind-boggling to watch the number of new ones entering the market every day. However, when it comes down to the truly useful ones, only a few stand out. I’ll share with you five I’ve incorporated into my everyday life.

  1. ChatGPT Pro

"When I first upgraded to ChatGPT Pro, I set a reminder in my calendar to cancel it the next month. I never did. Even GPT-3.5 was impressive, but GPT-4 became the go-to tool to assist me with learning and writing. Every day, I run the newsletter through ChatGPT to check the grammar and assist me with minor tweaks needed for clarity and smoothness.

Recently, I even asked it to write an email requesting an extension for my expiring gym pass in Hungary. It started with some flattery that I initially thought was cheap, but I left it in. To my surprise, the gym staff wrote back to thank me for my kind words. Apparently, ChatGPT is better at connecting with people than I am.

  1. Claude

Claude is Anthropic’s answer to ChatGPT. This chatbot can digest up to 75,000 words—that’s a 150-page book—and provide a concise summary. It’s much more adept at breaking down text into short, insightful sentences than GPT-4. I often ask it to summarize lengthy articles for me.

Claude is unfortunately only available in the US and UK, so I use Poe to access it. What’s Poe? Glad you asked!

  1. Poe 

Poe is basically a chatbot brothel. You can try all kind of chatbots for free from the popular girls in town like the GPT-4, Claude 2, Google PaLM, or Facebook’s Llama 2 to more niche options such as the Midjourney Prompter, a chatbot that turns your words into vibrant Midjourney prompts, and a Tarot card reader that predicts your future.

  1. Clipdrop

Clipdrop is managed by Stability AI, the developers behind Stable Diffusion, a state-of-the-art image generator AI. Clipdrop offers AI-powered photo editing tools to enhance, uncrop, or reimagine pictures, as well as generative AI tools. My favorite feature is Stable Doodle, where you can doodle, choose an art style, add a description, and voila, you get an image. I recently used it to craft backgrounds for a comic strip, and the results were impressive.

The backgrounds were generated by Clipdrop, the stick figures were drawn by me.

  1. Adobe AI

Adobe has been steadily adding AI features to its Creative Suite over the last 12 months. I’m an avid user of Photoshop and Premiere Pro, and boy did these get better. AI transcription and subtitles, auto matching of audio and video, and scene edit detection - which auto cuts between scenes - have been life-changing additions to a video editor’s toolbox. Additionally, Photoshop’s automatic object detection and Generative Fill are game-changers when you need to quickly fix parts of an image.

Which AI tools are you guys using? Hit reply and share any AI recommendations you think I should check out!


This Tiktok shows how crazy good the hot new AI, Hey Gen is. The app can translates and dub your videos in your own voice:


TG: Romancev768 #heygenlabs #ai

⌚ If you have one more minute:

  • Inside the Senate’s Private AI Meeting With Tech’s Billionaire Elites

  • Interview with Google CEO Sundar Pichai on AI

  • The Gutenberg Project turned thusands of classic literature books into free audiobooks with AI

  • The AI Detection Arms Race Is On

AI Art of the day 🎨

DJ's dropping beats throughout history. Created by Midjourney user u/BB_210. Check out the whole gallery.


That’s it folks!

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